We help businesses, governments & institute defining and shaping their EU-agenda. Then we successfully implement your agenda through lobbying, networking & project development, resulting in EU-funding.
What We Do
Through a proven, successful model EU Quest enhances your activities
EU Quest develops and builds your EU-agenda on the experience of its widely proven model of 4 interrelating activities.
These interrelating activities are Lobbying – Networking – Communication – Project Development as to apply for EU grants. Though we execute all of these tasks separately, we will always keep the wider framework on our mind, as we know by experience that it in some form will be needed while executing an activity as to maximising your success and impact.
E.g. a successful lobby interrelates with relevant networks and accurate communication and information flows from and to Brussels, but e.g. project development is often only possible with relevant international partners from networks, resulting in dissemination of results and often conveying and reinforcing your message to other levels of government.
EU Quest builds on its experiences in broad themes in urban development as well as innovation with the triple and quadruple helix.

Strategic Planning
We work with our clients and do a deep analysis of their business. We help prepare possible outcomes to different decisions.
Financial Projections
This stops companies from taking drastic measures like downsizing or closing down sites; those things happen only with no.
International Business Opportunities
We allow you to enter international waters without having to worry about making a mistake, as experience.
EU Quest works for businesses, public authorities, development agencies and knowledge institutes 25 Years

I was born in Heerlen, the Netherlands, within the heart of the EU region Meuse-Rhine, where three countries meet. After my secondary school (modern gymnasium, sciences) in Belgium, I studied in Antwerp and Brussels at the Vlekho, the Flemish Business School. I’m holding a bachelor marketing and an academic bachelor degree in business economics, specializing in international business including EU-policies, from the Vlekho in Brussels.
Professional experience
After a position as account manager at the KBC-bank in Antwerp, I worked with the city of Heerlen, in different positions and with varying responsibilities for different projects and programs.I have been secretary of the EU-funded URBAN-II program Heerlen from 2000-2004.
After that I was the head of office of the bureau of international coordination of the city of Eindhoven and is the primary advizor for international affairs to the mayor. The office holds 2 locations, one in Brussels.
‘I’ve been involved in over 50 projects form different subvention schemes like Urbact, INTERREG A, B & Europe, LIFE, Horizon and Creative Europe’. I’ve been a member of the Steering Committee for INTERREG B North West Europe for about 10 years.
For the Urbact programme I acted as a Lead and Ad Hoc expert in several networks. The European Commission hired me as an external expert for the European Structural Investment Funds to support the development of the new European Urban Initiative that kicked off end 2022.
Our Cases
As technology has advanced, it has become clear that designers must consider the needs of all users across many platforms in different contexts.
EU Quest works for business, public authorities, development agencies and knowledge institutes

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+31 (0) 652 808 171
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